Archive for the ‘News Items’ Category
Conna Weiner Appointed Program Committee Chair of the Cambridge Dispute Settlement Center Board
In January 2015, Conna Weiner was appointed the Chair of the Program Committee Board of the Cambridge Dispute Settlement Center Board. The Committee is charged with evaluating and expanding CDSC Mediation training, workshops and outreach.
Conna Weiner appointed to the Massachusetts Bar Association ADR Committee; trainer for new lawyers on arbitration
In January 2015, Conna Weiner was invited by Chair Hon. Nancy Holz (ret.) to serve on the Massachusetts Bar Association ADR Committee. In June 2015, Conna will help train new lawyers on arbitration in a program run by this committee.
CPR Panel on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property Cases
In February 2015, Conna Weiner participated in a panel discussing the use of ADR in IP matters. Led by moderator David Bernstein of Debevoise & Plimpton, Conna’s fellow panelists were Harrie Samaras and Cynthia Bright of Hewlett Packard.
ABA Panel on the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in High Tech Cases
In April 2015, Conna Weiner participated in a panel discussion at the Annual Meeting of the ABA Section on Dispute Resolution on the use of ADR in High Tech Cases. Led by moderator Michael Diamant, Conna’s fellow panelists included Harrie Samaras, Susan Nycum and Peter Michaelson.
Edna Sussman and Conna A. Weiner’s article: “Striving for the ‘Bulletproof’ Mediation Settlement Agreement” published in CPR’s Alternatives
The article is the cover story for the April 2015 issue; it discusses the legal framework for the enforcement of mediated settlement agreements and recommendations involving the agreement to mediate, the mediation process and the drafting of the mediation settlement agreement to help reduce litigation over the mediation result. It is available on the Articles & Resources page of this website.
ABA Mediation Convening and Intake Best Practices Panel
Conna Weiner’s panel proposal to discuss the topic: “Mediation Convening and Intake Best Practices: What Can and Should Mediators and ADR Providers Do When an agreement to Mediate Does not (yet) Exist?” was accepted for the ABA Section on Dispute Resolution Annual Meeting and took place on April 17, 2015. Conna’s panelists included her fellow co-presenter, Nancy Greenwald, the Chief Operating Officer of JAMS, Kimberly Taylor, and Professor Kristen Blankley of the University of Nebraska Law School. We discussed confidentiality, best practices for convening and information collection and other issues. Our extensive materials on the subject, including sample forms, are available at the Articles & Resources page of this website.
Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals Panel on Life Sciences Collaborations
In September 2014, Conna Weiner led a panel discussion before the BioPharma Conference of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals discussing dispute management in the context of life sciences collaborations. Her fellow panelists were Jeremy Ahouse, an experienced strategic alliance professional formerly of Novartis and now with Celgene, Corporation, and Matt Hurley, a partner at Minz Levin with a focus on life sciences and IP disputes.
CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals
In July 2014, Conna Weiner was appointed to CPR’s Panel of Distinguished Neutrals. CPR was the first ADR provider to bring together Corporate Counsel and their law firms to find ways to lower the cost of litigation.