Archive for April, 2014
The 2014 American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Annual Meeting
Conna Weiner is attending the American Bar Association’s Section on Dispute Resolution Annual Meeting in Miami April 2-4, 2014 and will be working with the Women in Dispute Resolution Committee to move forward a number of initiatives, including a project to create a comprehensive list of panels and rosters for arbitrators and mediators.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution
In March 2014, Conna Weiner participated in presenting a seminar with fellow speakers from the law firm of Burns & Levinson, JAMS, inside counsel and the Massachusetts judiciary to the New England Corporate Counsel Association about the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of alternative dispute resolution (primarily arbitration and mediation) and expedited proceedings in special courts such as the MA Superior Court Business Litigation Session.
The 2014 Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution’s Annual Meeting
In February 2014, Conna Weiner attended the Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution’s (CPR’s) Annual Meeting in Charleston, SC, where she participated in meetings of the Arbitration and Mediation Committees.
The 2014 Massachusetts Bar Association Annual Inside Counsel Seminar
In December 2013, Conna Weiner presented at a panel before the Massachusetts Bar Association annual inside counsel seminar about the use of alternative dispute resolution in connection with business disputes, discussing reforms in managing arbitrations highlighted in publications such as the 2010 Commercial College of Arbitrators Protocols for Expeditious, Cost-Effective Arbitration.
American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Panel of Arbitrators
In July of 2013, Conna Weiner was invited to join the American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Panel of Arbitrators, and was officially appointed to the panel after completing the AAA’s training required of all newly named AAA panelists in September 2013.
2013 ExecuSummit Panel in Connecticut
In May 2013, Conna Weiner participated in an ExecuSummit panel in Connecticut discussing ADR before a group of business and legal inhouse corporate personnel.
What Clients Are Looking for in Arbitration
In April 2013, Conna Weiner participated in a panel at the ABA Section on Dispute Resolution Annual Meeting on the topic of “What Clients Are Looking for in Arbitration,” discussing inside counsel perspective on arbitration and the various reforms proposed to improve the arbitration process.
Mediation Services of North Central Massachusetts
In July 2013, Conna Weiner was named to the panel roster for Mediation Services of North Central Massachusetts.